Hapja e thirrjes per programin OPEN/E-Teacher per mesues te gjuhes angleze


 Thirrja per kurset e trajnimit American English E-Teacher Program qe tani ka marre emrin OPEN (Open Professional English Network) per semestrin e dimrit 11 janar – 8 mars, 2022 . Te shtate kurset qe u akredituan ne fillim te vitit 2020 nga Ministria e Arsimit, Sportit dhe Rinise do te ofrohen edhe kete semester.  Kete vit ofrohen edhe  kurse te tjera nese mesuesit do te jen te interesuar.

Bashkengjitur do te gjeni edhe formen e aplikimit qe mesuesti duhet te plotesojne ne menyre qe te konkurojne per tu perzgjedhur. Per kete semester mund te bejme vetem 7 (shtate) nominime nderkohe qe po punojme per grupet me te medha per Mesimdhenien e gjuhes Angleze ne moshen e hershme

Aplikimet duhen derguar ne kete adrese emaili: [email protected]

The Public Affairs Office, U.S. Embassy Albania is now accepting applications for: Winter 2022 (January 11-March 8, 2022. Orientation November 29-December 1, 2021)

To be eligible, a participant must:

·         Not hold dual citizenship in the United States

·         Be a citizen of and reside in the nominating country at the time of the course (exceptions may apply to refugees)

·         Have basic technology skills related to creating usernames and passwords, using credentials to log in to secured websites, using email, searching the internet, and accessing and managing electronic files (e.g. PDF, MS Word, etc). including uploading and downloading files

·         Have the ability to complete academic work at a U.S. university level (an advanced level of reading and writing in English, roughly equivalent to CEFR B2)

·         Have at least 8-10 hours per week available to complete coursework

·         Have regular access to a reliable, internet-enabled device

·         Have the ability to type in English well enough to participate in online discussions and submit written assignments in a timely manner


  • the participant needs to be a citizen of and reside in the nominating country at the time of the course 
  • the participant cannot hold dual citizenship in the United States.  

The selection process is very competitive because of the limited slots available both in the Global and Regional Program. Make sure that you submit the application in time and in the required format: 

  1. Applications should be emailed to [email protected]  
  2. Mark the email subject line: 2022 Winter OPEN (AE E-Teacher) Application 
  3. Provide a good writing piece in the Statement of Purpose section of the application (min of 150 words)
  4. Fill in all the information that applies to you. 
    1. Spell out the correct e-mail address 
    2. Provide all digits in the cellphone number 
  5. Please rank order preference for the courses (1,2,3) and provide additional justification in the Personal Statement 
  6. APPLICATION DEADLINE: October 20, 2021 @12:00 midnight 

Please note: We will not review applications that do not fill the requirements and/or are not submitted in the required format. 

Additional information: 

The following courses are available as GOCs each term. Global nominees specify the three courses they are most interested in when they register, and every effort is made to assign the top choice. Course descriptions can be found here:  

Course Titles: 

  1. Content-Based Instruction 
  2. Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into the Exploration of Culture in an EFL Setting (Integrating Critical Thinking) 
  3. Professional Development for Teacher Trainers  
  4. Teaching English to Young Learners  
  5. Teaching Grammar Communicatively  
  6. TESOL Methodology  
  7. Using Educational Technology in the English Language Classroom (Using Educational Technology) 
    *** These courses are accredited by the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth of the Republic of Albania.